Monday, March 18, 2013

Between love and Mad Men lies obsession. 

So..what is so great about this series "Mad Men" aside from the vicarious thrill I get from 
watching someone smoking every five seconds? (And since I'm a year off the nico-intoxication, I figured I was safe enough to watch now without giving in to temptation).    I think it had to do with atmosphere..mood, setting, wardrobe, the clinking martini glasses as constant image, and in particular those fun clean cut (sometimes pseudo space-agey) lines of the furnishings, all
THE JETSONS, a show I remember!   
The connections to events going on in the 60s that are woven into some of the story lines.   The fact that, like the TV of the 60s itself, there is so little graphic anything, but violence in particular.    A lot of suggestion, perhaps, but very little graphic depicted.   Characters going through their all very common trials in life, in particular in their failed or floundering relationships. 
Maybe it just reminds me of my parents drinking parties at that time, when homes had themed and dedicated bar areas, (Pirates Cove!)  usually featuring  glasses,  napkins,  and trays with cute little sayings.    At superficial review, The main protagonist just seems like a typical sexist idiot of his times, but indeed that is part of the point.   To depict the times accurately.   I have no doubt that this wasn't the culture of the times.     And Don is also an anti-protagonist, hard to like at times (many times) yet gaining my sympathy in seeing his struggle to make a connection to the world that is "real"  (We see this briefly in his relationship with Anna in LA, don't we? )      Ah more to think about , as I'm finishing the last few episodes on NETFLIX, and there is NO SEASON FIVE THERE.  Will I survive?  I don't have a TV/ Cable.  I'll have to find a way.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm scouring the internet for Ideas about finding a career.
I thought this class looked interesting since I don't have any idea how to write in HTML and perhaps it could help me in some way that I haven't figured out yet.  Continuing Education at UT Austin.

Stray cat?   Lost cat?  Someone's cat?   I can't make the cat scat !!

Oh why am I involved  ?????


Well, this long-haired beauty has taken up residence on my outside deck.    I have seen her roaming
up and down my street for many months (her long bushy gray tails is hard to miss even when she's behind
cars or garbage bins) but assumed she had a home.    Or did she?  She also was frequently under my house in a half covered cellar area, not exactly the kind of spot one would choose to stay in if a warm, cozy coach was available?    Then it snowed and she just sat on my deck in a plastic chair,  flakes covering her from head to toe, looking like she had NO intention of ever budging.    So I put up a  "cat tent" made of mesh and bought for my indoor cat Annie, then made it "precipitation proof" by covering it in some cheap $1.00
store tarps.  She ended up sleeping in there all night, right  through a heavy snow storm. (I bet she was scared and didn't sleep!)     I was so worried because of the cold and  the possibility of the sides of this fragile structures collapsing inward.    Poor thing was stuck in there all night as the snow had piled up in front of the "entrance way"  Now I just don't know if she belongs to someone who just leaves her out a lot and she truly likes all this independence, or if she is abandoned and looking for a new home.     She comes running over when I'm nearby and she doesn't mind being held for a bit.  I have been feeding her a lot.   Well a lot if someone else is also feeding her...  What to do?    I call her PRINCESS because I would never actually name one of my own acts PRINCESS.   

McDonald's Exploits Student Workers 

Is there a company I could hate more than McDonals and it's explotation of both human animals and
the food animals, both of which are the backbone of its tremendous profit center.
First American workers, and foremost the endless supply of factory farmed
cows, pigs, chickens.    Now they need to reach their creepy corporate tentacles
outside of our borders to bring in fresh new blood.  

Her is an issue that has recently come to light :